AA Gabriel Richard, University Liggett win girls field hockey titles

Ann Arbor Fr. Gabriel Richard shut out Bloomfield Hills Academy of the Sacred Heart, 7-0, for its fourth consecutive Cardinal Division girls field hockey trophy. (Photo by Don Horkey | Special to Detroit Catholic)

FARMINGTON HILLS — A pair of Catholic High School League girls field hockey champions were crowned last Friday evening in a doubleheader at The Hawk Community Center.

In the first game, Ann Arbor Fr. Gabriel Richard had little difficulty in meeting the challenge from Bloomfield Hills Academy of the Sacred Heart, 7-0, for its fourth consecutive Cardinal Division trophy.

Seniors Lilli Vera and Stella Karbo each scored the hat trick and senior Reese Woloszyn had one goal. Vera has 20 goals for the season, 97 in her prep career. She is committed to Bellarmine University in Louisville, Kentucky.

“We were playing on all cylinders,” said Fighting Irish first year coach Chris Merucci.

“Our goal was to make it to the league finals,” said Sacred Heart coach Paige Comito. “We did that.” She added: “We looked a little tired. There was a powder puff game yesterday and it’s homecoming tonight.”

Grosse Pointe Woods University Liggett won a shootout to win the Bishop Division girls field hockey title, 4-3, against Bloomfield Hills Marian. (Photo courtesy of Mike Evoy CHSL)
Grosse Pointe Woods University Liggett won a shootout to win the Bishop Division girls field hockey title, 4-3, against Bloomfield Hills Marian. (Photo courtesy of Mike Evoy CHSL)

In the second game, Grosse Pointe Woods University Liggett, on the other hand, was forced into a shootout to claim the Bishop Division title, 4-3, against Bloomfield Hills Marian. Liggett last won the title in 2020 while Marian has won 10 CHSL championships, but not since 2019.

Junior Lily Robinson scored in the second quarter to give Marian a 1-0 halftime lead. Juniors Constantina Bournias and Avery Welsh reclaimed the lead for Liggett in the third quarter. Marian senior Annika Triemstra tied the score at 2-2 with six minutes to play in regulation.

The game remained deadlocked after a 10-minute sudden-death overtime to set up a shootout featuring five players from each side challenging the opposing goalie.

Sophomores Maisy Huebner and Ally Orlick hit the back of the net against Marian’s junior goalie Sienna Wilcox while Liggett’s goalkeeper, senior Elizabeth Dickey, allowed only Marian’s junior Clair Dauer to score.

Girls field hockey has been played in the CHSL since 2006. Nine schools participate. The Michigan High School Athletic Association has sanctioned girls field hockey (along with boys volleyball) for the 2024-2025 school year.

Contact Don Horkey at [email protected].


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