May They Rest in Peace: Sr. Leanne Leszczynski, SSJ-TOSF

Sr. Leanne Leszczynski, SSJ-TOSF, died Nov. 5, 2022, at the age of 87.

Sr. Leszczynski was born in Detroit, Michigan and attended Sweetest Heart of Mary School. She entered the congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Third Order of St. Francis in 1956.

Sr. Leanne Leszczynski, SSJ-TOSF
Sr. Leanne Leszczynski, SSJ-TOSF

Following her formation Sr. Leanne began teaching biology, chemistry, physics, and health at Marymount High School from 1960 to 1969. At this time, she also earned a BS degree in Biology from Notre Dame College, and later a MS degree from Case Western Reserve. In 1969 she became the Assistant Principal at Marymount High School. Then in 1974 she moved to Harper Woods, Michigan where she taught for one year and then was appointed Principal at Regina High School. She continued in this position until 2012 when she became the President of the school. After having ministered for forty-four years at Regina, Sr. Leanne retired in 2019. In 2021 she moved back to Ohio where she resided at Marymount Place.

During the Viet Nam War in 1967, Sr. Leanne gave a small donation to receive a POW bracelet. For the next five years she prayed for a soldier whose name was Lieutenant Commander John McCain. He was released in 1973 and thirty years later Sr. Leanne got to meet Senator McCain in person to show him the bracelet which she had kept and to assure him that she had prayed for his release everyday during those five years.

Sr. Leanne will be remembered for her leadership skills, enthusiasm, and foresight in growing Regina High School and ensuring its place in the future. At her 60th Jubilee celebration Sr. Leanne wrote:

“I have come to realize that God does provide, guide, bless, and watch over us. For every minute of it I say, ‘Deo Gratias’”.

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