WYANDOTTE — On a snowy afternoon Sunday, Jan. 23, known as Sanctity of Life Sunday, dozens of people joined in the Downriver March for Life in Wyandotte. While praying the rosary, 40 people marched while more drove from Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church to Mt. Carmel Cemetery, where they joined others for a prayer service at the chapel near the Memorial Monument for the Unborn.
The marchers were led by fourth-degree Knights of Columbus from Wyandotte, Allen Park and Farmington, joined by Knights from four Downriver councils: Robert Jones Council, Lincoln Park; the O'Brien Council from St. Pius in Southgate; Wyandotte Council 1802; and the Allen Park Council. Other participants were from Right to Life of Michigan affiliates Upper Downriver Right to Life, Southern Downriver Right to Life and Central Wayne County Right to Life, as well as people from many churches.

The opening prayer was offered by Greg Kowalsky of Southgate. Maria Genaw read a statement from Barb Listing, president of Right to Life of Michigan reflecting on the work done by the organization over the last 49 years to help mothers and their babies in times of need.
Emmanuel Lughermo, a volunteer with Guadalupe Workers, who assist mothers in Detroit, offered a prayer for the Supreme Court as they consider the Dobbs v. Jackson case from Mississippi that would prohibit abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. Volunteers read Scripture showing that God's gift of life is to be cherished and protected from the time of conception through natural death.

Debbie Bloomfield, vice president of Upper Downriver Right to Life, reflected on the recent celebration of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Day and its connection to Sanctity of Life Sunday, noting King recognized mankind's common brotherhood and the respect for the rights of all human life. Michigan has a law dating to 1846 prohibiting abortion, which has not been enforced since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973. She shared resources to help mothers considering abortion, including a toll-free phone number, 1-800-57-WOMAN, and Right to Life's website.
Jenni Nelson and her daughter Adelaide led prayers for legal protection of unborn children, support for their mothers and families, for those suffering from abortion, for lawmakers, and for the nation, followed by the Lord's prayer.
The service closed with the lighting of the Choose Life Luminary for the memorial monument for the unborn and a hymn. Many people then attended an open house with refreshments at the Right to Life Resource Center, 2010 Eureka, Wyandotte.
Information courtesy of Debbie Bloomfield, vice president of Upper Downriver Right to Life.
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