Deacon Jesus Vasquez, 92, of Rochester Hills, passed away on Aug. 19, 2020.
He was born in Capac on Sept. 12, 1927. Jesus was married to Victorina Gonzalez on Aug. 3, 1955. He retired from Pontiac Motors. Jesus was also one of the seven, first Latin Deacons named by the Roman Catholic Church in the United States after the restoration of the permanent diaconate when he was ordained on May 20, 1972.
For most of his ministry, Deacon Vasquez served at St. Vincent de Paul Parish — now part of St. Damien of Molokai Parish — in Pontiac.

Deacon Vasquez also was a United States Army veteran and a member of the Society of La Virgin de Guadalupe and Cursillista. He had a passion for gardening.
Deacon Vasquez was preceded in passing by his wife, Victorina Vasquez; and his children Joel and Irma Luz. He is survived by his children Raquel (Roland Stewart), José (Annette), and Alberto (Donna); his grandchildren, Alicia, Virginia, Emilio, Sonya, Julia, Angelina, Lorenzo, Marcelo, Isabella, and Alberto II; and his great grandchildren, Willow, Rosalina, and Gweneviere.
Funeral Mass will be held on Tuesday, August 25, 2020, at 10 a.m., at St. Damian of Molokai, Vincent de Paul site, 46408 Woodward Ave, Pontiac. Interment at Mt. Hope Catholic Cemetery to follow.
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